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"Paris Agreement is our Daily & Common Olympics"
Playing One Planet, One Climate, One Team!
Being at the Global Rendez-Vous of Humanity'Resilience.
1/ We all belong to the Biosphere, beyond being an Economics Players
2/ Delivering the breakthrough framework-related for climate AND biodiversity (protection, mitigation, adaptation, restoration & resilience of Nature, our common best asset by far).
3/Collectively invest in the massive blended solutions (technologies and techniques, as Nature Based Solutions) before 2030, at the good scope and acceleration, powered by the relevant Public Policies to better assess Climate Finance Re-Allocation globaly.
Our mission, being a Top ref "Paris Agreement Accelerator" to deploy massively ClimateTechs (based on the first of its kind ClimateTechTaxonomy). For that,
- We develop Decarbonizing.NET : our first hybrid Platform Program, matching "ClimateTechs x Corporates x VCs", to support Decarbonizing acceleration
- We produce with ClimateTV° Event Series Platforms: ICD I CTA I CPC
- We bootstrap Paris Agreement Club: the dedicated and scaling Ecosystem, with the support of external partners and resources.
In add, we progressively scale our own vehicule Climate1st based on a "People Equity model", to solve remaining gaps from Pre-Seed to Series-A (syndicating Top BAs, Pre-Seed VCs, Serial Entrepreneurs, C-Level Corporates), in order to re-insure the PAris Agreement full-deployement cross-borders.
Our Driver: Problem solvers to fill-the Equity-or-Financial-Gaps, by the Accelerating Power of External "Talents & Financial Resources".
Our MindSet: GloCal CitizenShip to create Environmental-Socio-Economic Values from The Human Values of Common-Good
Our Understanding: Humbly playing within the Planetary Limits, for respecting our Current & Future Generations.
Fabrice F. Seng Linkedin
By serving as founder managing partner of ClimateTechVenture, Fabrice dedicates today most of his time facing our un-precedent challenges: work fixing the climate & biodiversity issues.
Regarding to the massive Green Growth demands and needed , from Developed to Developing Countries:
Decarbonizing Acceleration is one of the Highest Positive Impact to deliver for XXI. That's why he is currently boostrapping a Hybrid "Paris Agreement Accelerator Program" Decarbonizing.NET
To mainstream a NetPositivePlanet Era, Fabrice likes supporting pioneer discovery applications & teams, at their crossing roads messages and markets, with ClimateTV°. He is also the founder of Event Platform Series, and CoChaired among Dr Isabelle Czernichowski-Lauriol & Dr Pradeep Monga: Carbon Pricing Conference, ClimateTechAwards, International Climate Day.
In add, he is promoter of the Universal Climate Declaration, and the dedicated Paris Agreement Club.
This is THE purpose of XXI: growth by Healthier GDPs. This is also all about continuous and innovative cooperation for Climate, and broadly linked for Sustainable Peace & Security.
Fabrice starts in Biomedical engineering, with a speciality in Digital & Microsystem Labs, for Healthcare Organizations & Insurance Institution. In the same time, he also supported startups by external resources. Then, pivoting in entrepreneurship with FinTechsTV, and from 2021 by creating ClimateTV° with dedicated Event Series "Finance x Tech x Green" (MasterClass, DealFlow, RoundTable, Conference) through this labeled TV spinOff.
He is former assistant-lecturer in Health digital applications (ESTBA-ParisSaclay University), and holds an Engineering & Management Background from CentraleSupelec (Top French Engineering School), University Franche-Comté, and Management Certificate in Open Innovation applied in FinTech & Green CrowdFunding from CNAM (Conservatoire National Arts & Métiers).
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