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Investing in Matching:
Expertises & Syndicated Capital Resources
"Affirmative Climate Investing"
Because, we like frontier issues.
Because, we love thinking beyond.
Because, Climate is global.
Our job is building the first-steps of
Matching Support & Investing
- Climate x Techs application on 10 Segments Priorities
- In native innovation (related to Disruptive Tech, Business Model, Nature based)
- We scope global, with native cross-border locations (from EU/UK, US, Asia, Africa, MiddleEast, Pacific)
- In cross-cultural-background Teams
- For blending Minds to address cross-border Markets
- Where Ethics & Willingness are the very first Assets, co-syndicating venture for
- We design pathways for amazing DEcarbonizings Plans: Corporates/Territories/Entrepreneurs/Discoveries that tackle business & decision frontiers: to solve the "Climate Equation".
Leitmotiv: Dream & Act by the "Overview-Effect-like-in-space", at the crossing road of "10 Climate Applications"
10 Applicative Segments to transform or disrupt
Open Minded People, powered by the force & capability to transform or being game-changers.
With this focus, Exponential possibilities can be spinned-off.
Ethics Willingness are the most valuable assets to share. This is where we invest in, before any Techs & Innovations.
(cf our Investment thesis scope, by the 10 Applicative Segments)
Ecosystem Recognition for all
ClimateTechVenture highlights all efforts, best in class & domain leaders, towards ClimateTechAwards.
To get involved, as entrepreneurs, investors, corporates, just have a look on www.climatetechawards.com or contact us.
Ecosystem of Blended Investors
Our Hybrid Vehicle & Platform is a tiny contribution to face the "climate ocean issues".
The Climate Investors community is the back-bone to make it at scale.
To get involved as Investors or Entrepreneurs, just share with us your interest toward the OpenDoTank Core: contact us.
We gather multi-profil members, to create a continuum: from VCs's asset classes to Blended finance ones, towards soon www.parisgreementclub.org
Sourcing & screening the (very)Early-Stage of Tech related Climate (from Lab SpinOffs to Unicorns & Corporates).
In add to our job, we empower Climate Advocates, in the sense of climate solution seekers. They support us to identify and access to a serendipity range of Teams & Solutions. They are incentivized for their contribution.
Everyone can apply to be a ClimateTech seeker ("advocate") with us. Welcoming everyone, from GenZ to Retireds' willingness, the Planet A needs everyone's efforts of today for the generations of tomorrow.

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